
File: Find N Replace v0.7b - View Screen Shots
This application is designed to find a given string in filenames within a selected directory (or subdirectories).
It can also (more importantly) be used to RENAME, APPEND or PREFIX any files that are found (individually, or ALL files found).
Basically it is a file version of the standard Find & Replace tool used within the likes of Word, Outlook, Excel etc. etc. Example of Main window

MDB Version Checker v1.2b
This application will check which version of Microsoft Access was used to create a .mdb (database) file. It will also allow you to open the database in the correct version of Access.
This can be used as a standard windows application, via the command line, or most usefully by associating the application with .MDB file type.
By associating the application with .MDB files, when ever you want to load a database file you can, by just double clicking on it - and this application will open the correct version of Access for you (Saving lots of time if you have .mdb's created by Access 97 and Access 2000 for example)

Click the relevant link to the right to download an application.